Our Programs

Emergency Shelter
COMEA offers up to 7 days in the emergency dorm and provides the basic services of a warm, clean bed, breakfast and an evening meal, a hot shower, toiletry needs (hygiene products, towels, and linens), and clothing. New residents will be expected to meet with a case manager during that time, who will help them find the resources in town that can also help them meet their needs. This case management session also helps new residents learn about the Journey Program and decide if they would like to be involved in the program to become self-sufficient.
Journey Programs
- Pre-Journey: 60 Days
- Journey 1: 30 Days
- Journey 2: 30 Days
Our Journey Program has gone through a few changes to become more successful at meeting the needs of our clients. At this point, Journey now has three groups that depend on the time a person has spent in the program. The Pre-Journey Program is open to men and women who need special assistance in preparing to enter the work force. These individuals may be suffering from a physical or mental illness that has gone untreated but with help, have the potential to become productive and independent people. With help from a caseworker, guest of this program will seek and accept medical assistance, will follow a medical case plan and will work to improve their situation to employability. Those who are unable or unwilling to stabilize within that time must find an alternative placement. The Journey 1 program is available to anyone staying at the shelter who has shown a strong desire to escape homelessness. They are given a period of 30 days to find employment; their employment must have them working 32+ hours per week (16+ hours per week for those on disability benefits) for a legitimate employer (no under-the-table cash jobs). The program participants are also expected to commit 3 hours per week to volunteer work and one extra hour on self-improvement or community service. Residents can be in Journey 1 for up to 30 days. Journey 2 is for those who have found a job and are working towards becoming independent. The residents in Journey 2 are expected to work with their caseworkers on a long-term case plan, which includes establishing a savings account, paying off debts, developing good credit, and developing positive relationships with friend, family, & others in their community that can aid in their success. Residents can be in Journey 2 for up to 30 days. If residents in either Journey program fail to meet the program expectations, they will be asked to leave and cannot return for 30 days.

Pay to Stay (P2S) Program
The P2S Program is designed to be the next step for those who complete the Journey Program by maintaining employment and meeting their goals established by their caseworkers. P2S residents pay $250 per month for a semi-private living cubicle; P2S Overflow residents will sleep in the regular emergency dorms for only $150 per month if there are no available P2S beds. Those in the overflow beds will be placed on a waiting list until a P2S bed is available. Residents may stay in the Pay-to-Stay Program for up to 120 days. During that time, they are expected to meet weekly with their case manager to further develop savings plans, maintain sobriety, receive mental health services, or any other services that would contribute to their goal of self-sufficiency. After completing their stay in this program, they should have the skills and plans necessary to maintain independent housing and employment without the continued services from the CCRC.
Transitional Living Program (TLP)
The Transitional Living Program serves those with circumstances that make independent living exceptionally difficult, including people struggling with mental/physical disabilities, substance abuse, those recently released from prison, and any others who struggle self-sufficiency. TLP Residents pay to rent a studio apartment. Similar to previous programs, these residents have a case manager who helps them work through their individual case plans to learn skills necessary for independent living and to develop a plan to keep them from returning to homelessness. Residents in this program may have rental periods ranging from 6 to 24 months.

Destination Housing
The Journey Center for families offers the Destination Home Program for families with minor children (under age 18) that are Wyoming residents. The Journey Center provides families with the basic services of a warm bed, an evening meal, a hot shower, toiletry needs (hygiene products, towels, and linens). Families participating in the Destination Home program are expected to meet with a case manager to work through the milestones of the program to secure and maintain employment, obtain housing, and develop parenting skills to help them become self-sufficient. Families that are not Wyoming residents are eligible for emergency services for a period of 14 days. Families in the program that do not follow the rules and expectations of the program may also be moved to emergency services. Once a family leaves the Journey Center, they may re-apply for services again in one year. The Journey Center has an intake process, so please contact a case manager for more information.
Services for Non-Residents
We provide regular meals for breakfast and dinner daily; the breakfast is available to residents, but dinner is open to anyone in the community. Additionally, while we refer to other agencies often, non-residents may receive limited resources from COMEA. COMEA partners with the Cheyenne Police department to help with one time bus vouchers for people who are stranded.